IEEE 181-2003 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE-181-2003 pdf download IEEE Standard on Transitions, Pulses, and Related Waveforms
1.1 Scope
This standard provides definitions of terms pertaining to transitions, pulses, and related waveforms, andprovides definitions and descriptions of techniques and procedures for measuring their parameters. Thewaveforms considered in this standard are those that make a number of transitions and that remain relativelyconstant in the time intervals between transitions
1.2 Object
The object of this standard is to facilitate accurate and precise communication concerning parameters oftransitions. pulses, and related waveforms and the techniques and procedures for measuring them.
1.3 Deprecated terms
Along with the recommended terms and their definitions, Clause 3 of this standard also contains a number ofdeprecated but widely used terms. These deprecated terms and the reason for their deprecation are givenafter the definition of the recommended term.
1.4 Representations and conventions
Throughout this standard, time is taken to be an independent variable, symbolized with the letter tWaveform value is used to refer to the dependent variable, symbolized by y/t). For particular waveforms.waveform value will be synonymous with terms such as voltage, current, power, or some other quantity.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following specifica-tions are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply.
ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, rev. 1993,ISBN 92-67-10188-9.!
ISO International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology, rev. 1993,ISBN 92-67-01075-1.
ISO 9000, Quality Management Systems-Fundamentals and Vocabulary, rev. 2000.
ISO 10012-1, Quality Assurance Requirements for Measuring Equipment-Part 1. Metrological Confirma.
tion System for Measuring Equipment.
NIST Special Publication 811, Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI), Barry N. Taylor.April 1995.2
3. Definitions and symbols
3.1 Definitions
All defined terms are italicized in this document.
3.11 aberration region aberration region, pre-transition: The interval between a user-specified instant and a fixed instantwhere the fixed instant is the first sampling instant preceding the 50% reference level instant when thewaveform value is within the state boundaries of the state preceding the 50% reference level instant. Theuser-specified instant occurs before the fixed instant and is typically equal to the fixed instant minus threetimes the transition duration.
31.1.2 aberration region, post-transition: The interval between a user-specified instant and a fixedinstant, where the fixed instant is the first sampling instant succeeding the 50% reference level instant wherthe waveform value is within the state boundaries of the state succeeding the 50% reference level instantThe user-specified instant occurs after the fixed instant and is typically equal to the fixed instant plus threetimes the transition duration.
3.1.2 accuracy: The closeness of agreement between the result of a measurement and the true value of themeasurand.
3.1.3 amplitude amplitude,impulse: The difference between the specified level corresponding to the maximum peakminimum peak) of the positive (negative) impulse-like waveform and the level of the state preceding the firsttransition of that impulse-like waveform.

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