IEEE 1534-2002 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1534-2002 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitors
1.1 Scope
This is a recommended practice for specifying Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSCinstallations used in series with transmission lines and should be used together with IEEE Std824-1994 when specifying TCSC installations. The document addresses issues that consider ratings forTCSC thyristor valve assemblies. capacitors, and reactors as well as TCSC control characteristicsprotective features. cooling systems, testing, commissioning,training, documentation, operation, andmaintenance. This document does not provide recommended practices for the development of TCSCcomputer models. However, this document does present issues that need to be considered when deveoping TCSC computer models as discussed in Annex B (informative). Annex C (normative) provides asummary outlinc of recommended items that should be considered when preparing aTCSC specification.
1.2 Purpose
This recommended practice is meant to provide assistance and guidance to planning, substation.
apparatus, commissioning, and operation engineers in the course of specifying TCSC installations.
Users of this document should tailor these recommendations to their specific project requirements.
2. References
This recommended practice shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When thefollowing publications are superseded by an approved revision, the revision shall apply:
IEC 60068-1-1998,Environmental Testing, Part 1: General and Guidance.
3. Definitions, special symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
Some of the definitions used in this recommended practice can be found in IEEE 100TM, TheAuthoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition B13]. In some instances, thedefinition in IEEE 100 may be cither too broad or too restrictive. In such a case, an additionadefinition or note has been included. Definitions used in this standard should be used together withthose found in IEEE Std 824-1994 when specifying TCSC installations.
3.1.1 bidirectional thyristor valve: An arrangement of thyristor valves capable of conducting currentin two directions.
NOTE-See Figure 1.
3.1.2 bypass current: The current flowing through the bypass switch, protective device, thyristorvalve, or other devices,in parallel with the series capacitor.
3.1.3 capacitive range: TCSC operation resulting in an efective increase of the power frequencyreactance range of the series capacitor.
3.1.4 conduction interval (o): That part of a cycle during which a thyristor valve is in the conductingstate.
NOTE_See Figure 3.
3.1.5 control angle (a): The time expressed in electrical angular measure from the capacitor voltage(Vc) zero crossing to the starting of current conduction through the thyristor valve.
NOTE-See Figure 3.
3.1.6 dynamic overload: The power frequency line current (Ip) and voltage (Vo) at which the TCSCshould be capable of continuous control for a short duration (typically 10 s) at rated frequency andambient temperature range.
3.1.7 platform control power: Energy source(s) available at platform potential for performingthyristor valve firing,protection,and control functions.
3.1.8 platform-to-ground cooling/air-handling insulator: An insulator that encloses cooling/airhandling paths between platform and ground level.
3.1.9 reactive power rating: The reactive power rating (Po =3/ Xr) for the TCSC bank asdetermined from rated reactance (Xr) and rated current (Ir).
3.1.10 temporary overload: The power frequency line current (I-) and voltage (V-) at which theTCSC should be capable of continuous control for a short duration (typically 30 min) at the ratedfrequency and ambient temperature range.
3.1.11 thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) bank: An assembly of thyristor valves, thyristorreactor(s), capacitors, and associated auxiliaries, such as structures, support insulators, switches, andprotective devices, with control equipment required for a complete operating installation.
3.1.12 thyristor electronics (TE): Electronic circuits at thyristor valve potential(s) that performcontrol functions.
3.1.13 thyristor reactor: One or more reactors connected in series with the thyristor valve.
NOTE-See Figure 1.
3.1.14 thyristor valve enclosure: A platform-mounted enclosure containing thyristor valve(s) withassociated valve cooling and electronic hardware.

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