IEEE 1547-2003 pdf download

01-11-2023 comment

IEEE 1547-2003 pdf download IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems
The stated technical specifications and requirements are universally needed for interconnection of DR.including synchronous machines,induction machines, or static power inverters/converters, and will besufficient for most installations.
4.1 General requirements
4.11 Voltage regulation
The DR shall not actively regulate the voltage at the PCC. The DR shall not cause the Area EPS servicevoltage at other Local EPSs to go outside the requirements of ANSI C84.1-1995, Range A.
4.1.2 Integration with Area EPS grounding
The grounding scheme of the DR interconnection shall not cause overvoltages that exceed the rating of theequipment connected to the Area EPS and shall not disrupt the coordination of the ground fault protection onthe Area EPS.
4.1.3 Synchronization
The DR unit shall parallel with the Area EPS without causing a voltage fluctuation at the PCC greater thar+5% of the prevailing voltage level of the Area EPS at the PCC, and meet the flicker requirements of 4.3.2.
4.1.4 Distributed resources on distribution secondary grid and spot networks Distribution secondary grid networks
This topic is under consideration for future revisions of this standard. Distribution secondary spot networks8
Network protectors shall not be used to separate, switch, serve as breaker failure backup or in any mannerisolate a network or network primary feeder to which DR is connected from the remainder of the Area EPSunless the protectors are rated and tested per applicable standards for such an application.
Any DR installation connected to a spot network shall not cause operation or prevent reclosing of anynetwork protectors installed on the spot network. This coordination shall be accomplished without requiringany changes to prevailing network protector clearing time practices of the Area EPS.
Connection of the DR to the Area EPS is only permitted if the Area EPS network bus is already energized bymore than 50% of the installed network protectors.
The DR output shall not cause any cycling of network protectors.
The network equipment loading and fault interrupting capacity shall not be exceeded with the addition ofDR.
DR installations on a spot network, using an automatic transfer scheme in which load is transferred betweenthe DR and the EPS in a momentary make-before-break operation, shall meet all the requirements of thisclause regardless of the duration of paralleling.
4.1.5 Inadvertent energization of the Area EPS
The DR shall not energize the Area EPS when the Area EPS is de-energized.
4.1.6 Monitoring provisions
Each DR unit of 250 kVA or more or DR aggregate of 250 kVA or more at a single PCC shall haveprovisions for monitoring its connection status, real power output, reactive power output, and voltage at thepoint of DR connection.
4.1.7 lsolation device
When required by the Area EPS operating practices, a readily accessible, lockable, visible-break isolationdevice shall be located between the Area EPS and the DR unit.
4.1.8 Interconnect integrity Protection from electromagnetic interference
The interconnection system shall have the capability to withstand electromagnetic interference (EMl)cnvironments in accordance with IEEE Std C37.90.2-1995. The influence of EMI shall not result in achange in state or misoperation of the interconnection system. Surge withstand performance
The interconnection system shall have the capability to withstand voltage and current surges in accordancewith the environments defined in IEEE Std C62.41.2-2002 or IEEE Std C37.90.1-2002 as applicable.

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