IEEE 111-2000 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 111-2000 pdf download IEEE Standard for Wide-Band (Greater Than 1 Decade) Transformers
1.1 Genera
This standard pertains to electronics wide-band transformers transmitting power within a wide band otfrequencies covering typically at least one decade in the frequency spectrum, It is not intended to apply toransformers optimized to operate within a narrow band of frequencies. Transformers used in, or in conjunction with, wire line communication facilities serving power stations are excluded due to the special protection requirements involved. Provision is made for including data for use in the design of feedback amplifiersand control networks, or other circuits in which the knowledge of the transformer amplitude and phasefrequency response is needed by the system designer. These transformers are required to transform voltagewithin specified tolerances of amplitude and phase when operating between specified impedances. Guides toapplication and test procedures are included, The annexes within this standard contain certain precautionsand recommended practices.
This standard also pertains to hybrid transformers, primarily used in the telecommunications industry. Thehybrid transformer is a wide-band transformer used in a manner which makes it part of a capacitance, resisance, and/or inductance network, and it must have characteristics which permit it to match the network forproper overall performance
1.2 Typical types of transformers to which this standard applies1.2.1 Audio frequency transformers
Audio frequency transformers may cover a limited frequency range such as that used in voice communica-tions, or may cover a part or all of the frequencies from 5 Hz to 100 000 Hz when used in high fidelity orsimilar amplifers. Voltages or signals correspond directly to speech or music amplitude and phase variationswithin this range of frequencies. Performance characteristics one or more octaves beyond the specified rangemay be of interest and specifed. Feedback and other windings or taps may be incorporated in the designThe mode or class of amplifer operation (i.e., Class A, B, AB, etc) must be recognized and taken intoconsideration.
1.2.2 Transducer service transformers
Transducer service transformers are stepdown ratio transformers having one or more secondary windingswith or without center taps. The load impedance may be permitted to vary with frequency or with otherparameters, but the transformer performance is generally based on a specific load impedance.
1.2.3 Random noise transformers
Random noise transformers are used in vibration machine applications. They are subject to random signalsof varying amplitude and duraion. Response may be expressed in terms of the frequency spectrum but theamplitude variation allowable over the relevant frequency range is much greater than for audio-frequenctransformers because of the Gaussian distribution of random noise. Random noise transformers are ofterincluded in feedback loops. When included in such a loop, their amplitude and phase response is of interestand all of the problems listed in 9.3 must be solved in addition to producing a transformer capable ofhandling the amplitude of random noise
1.2.4 Modulation transformers
Modulation transformers are used in amplitude-modulated transmitters and may employ a modulationinductor to bypass the final amplifier supply current.
The transformer is used in a manner which makes it part of a capacitance, resistance, and inductance network, and it must have characteristics which permit it to match the network for proper overall performancePhase angle, frequency response, and impedances are important measurements and are required to be madein the actual or substitute network with the major elements in place to establish performance. Modulationtransformers are usually designed for specific applications and large units are not considered suitable forgeneral purpose use.
1.2.5 Driver transformers
Driver transformers are used to supply power to the control elements of Class AB, and Class B, amplifiertubes and transistors.
1.2.6 Line-matching transformers
Line-matching transformers are used where power is received at one impedance level and delivered atanother.
1.2.7 Load-matching autotransformers
Load-matching autotransformers are used where power is received at one impedance level and provides output tabs at various impedances.and vice versa.
1.2.8 Controlsystem transformers

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