IEEE 1016-1998 pdf download

01-07-2023 comment

IEEE 1016-1998 pdf download IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions
1. Scope
This is a recommended practice for describing software designs. lt specifies the necessary information content, andrecommended organization for a Software Design Description (SDD). An SDD is a representation of a softwaresystem that is used as a medium for communicating software design information.
The practice may be applied to commercial, scientific, or military software that runs on any digital computerApplicability is not restricted by the size, complexity, or criticality of the software.
This practice is not limited to specific methodologies for design, configuration management, or quality assurance. lt isassumed that the quality design information and changes to the design of description will be managed by other projectactivities. Finally, this document does not support nor is it limited to any particular descriptive technique. lt may beapplied to paper documents, automated databases, design description languages, or other means of description.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.
IEEE Std 730-1998,IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans.
IEEE Std 828-1998, IEEE Standard for Software Configuration Management Plans.
IEEE Std 830-1998,IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications.
Freeman, P. and A. I. Wasserman, Tutorial on Software Design Techniques. 4th Edition, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Annotated Bibliography, pp.715-718,1983.
3. Definitions
The definitions listed here establish meaning in the context of this recommended practice. Definitions of other termsused in this document can be found in IEEE Std 610.12-1990-
3.1 design entity: An element (component) of a design that is structurally and functionally distinct from otherelements and that is separately named and referenced.
3.2 design view: A subset of design entity attribute information that is specifically suited to the needs of a softwareproject activity.
3.3 entity attribute: A named characteristic or property of a design entity. It provides a statement of fact about theentity.
3.4 software design description (SDD): A representation of a software system created to facilitate analysis, planningimplementation, and decision making. A blueprint or model of the software system. The SDD is used as the primarymedium for communicating software design information.
4. Considerations for producing an SDD
This clause provides information to be considered before producing an SDD.How the SDD fits into the software lifecycle, where it fits, and why it is used are discussed.
4.1 Software life cycle
The life cycle of a software svstem is normally defined as the period of time that starts when a software product isconceived and ends when the product is no longer available for use. The life cycle approach is an effective engineeringmanagement tool and provides a model for a context within which to discuss the preparation and use of the SDDWhile it is beyond the scope of this document to prescribe a particular standard life cycle, a typical cycle will be usedto define such a context for the SDD. This cycle is based on IEEE Std 610.12-1990 and consists of a concept phase.requirements phase. design phase. implementation phase, test phase. installation and checkout phase. operation andmaintenance phase.and retirement phase.
42 SDD within the life cycle
For both new software systems and existing systems under maintenance, it is important to ensure that the design andimplementation used for a software svstem satisfy the requirements driving that system. The minimum documentationrequired to do this is defined in IEEE Std 730-1998. The SDD is one of these required products. It records the resultof the design processes that are carried out during the design phase.

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