IEEE 1226.3-1998 pdf download IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Resource Management for A Broad-Based Environment for Test (ABBET)
3.1.4 hehavior: A rclationship bctween the inputs and the outputs of a product. As specified in ABBETterms, however, it is neither implementable nor testable until it has been specified in terms of signals that areobservable or controllable. ith respect to this standard, behavior is the observable and controllable signal:that are used as inputs or outputs of a resource or path.
3.1.5 class: A description of a group of objects (or types) with similar properties, common services, com-mon relationships,and common semantics
3.1.6 composite resource: A specific type of real resource. It describes a collection of individual resourcesor instruments. that provide some behavior when used collectively. nformation known about the individualresources that make up the composite resource includes connectivity and the mapping of their individuaresource ports onto the composite resouree ports, See also: real resource.
3.1.7 connection: The virtual connection of a virtual resource that connects a test subject port to an externalport of the test equipment configuration. A connection can be stated in ATLAS, for example, in the manner: CNX HI Pl-l. In this example, Pl-1 is the test subject pin, and Hl is the ATLAS reference to aport on the test equipment configuration.
3.1.8 conneetion set: A multiple list of connections used by a resource to connect multiple test subject portsto multiple output ports in the test equipment configuration. A connection set can be stated in ATLAS. forexample,in the following manner: CNX HI PI-1 LO PI-2. In this exampl, the set is comprised of two con.nections, HI PI-1 and LO P1-2. Additionally, in rare cases, a list of connection sets can occur for resourcesthat change connections during the implementation of their behavior, such as when checking for multipleports. A set of connection sets can be shown in ATLAS by more than one set of Hl, LO, or other test equipment configuration port designators linked to test subject ports.
3.1.9 deallocate: The process of releasing a resource from a particular task and making it available to otherusers,This is the reverse proccss of allocate, Confrast; allocate.
3.1.10 individual resource: A specific type of real resource that can be used by itself or be used jointly withother individual resources to make up a composite resource. The purpose of an individual resource is to gen.crate or measure a class of signal, Information known about the individual resource includes its controlinterface and its current state. See also: composite resource and real resource
3.1.11 instrument: An individual item that is synonymous with an individual resource. Syn: individualresource.
3.1.12 language-independent specification: The format for describing the services that are not tied to aspecific computer language, syntax, or implied semantics.
3.1.13 object: A member (instance) of a class that encapsulates (i.e.., hides the details of) state and operations.
3.1.14 path: Describes a contiguous routing through a test equipment configuration. Each path begins with aport and ends with a port, A path may include multiple switch connections and/or paths.
3.1.15 path set: Involves two or more paths that are needed to support a specific real resource. Many realresources have multiple ports that are active simultaneously and require multiple paths for the required con.nections. In addition, scts of path sets, or multiple path sets, may be required by a specific real resource.
3.1.16 physical mapping: The process of mapping a virtual resource to one or more real resources
3.1.17 port: Describes the interface points on the test cquipment configuration, the interface points on anindividual resource,the interlace points on a composite resource, the interlace points on a virtual resourceand the interface points on a test subject.
IEEE 1226.3-1998 pdf download
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