PAS 69:2006 pdf download Guidance for the selection, installation and use of vehicle security barriers
This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) provides guidance for theselection, installation and use of vehicle security barriers.General guidance is given in Annex A and Annex B.
2Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this PAS, the terms and definitions in PAS 68:2007and the following apply.
21operationalrequirementstatement of needs based upon a thorough and systematic assessmentof the problems to be solved and the desired solutions
2.2traffic managementsegregation, guidance and diversion of vehicles to mitigate potentialhazards, marshal tralic and enhance the salety of road users andpersonnel working close to or on the highway
2.3traffic calminguse of self enforcing physical measures to produce road alignments thatrequire a reduction in wehicle speed in order to be successfullynegotiated
2.4standoffdistance fromn threat vehicle,load or component, including any potentialexplosive effect that may be allowed to encroach upon an asset
vehicle airlock system2.5system created by using two active barriers of any type across thevehicle path of approach, with a secure sterile area between the barriers
Site assessment
Identify and quantify the threat3.1
3.1.l Review any previous terrorist, criminal or malicious incidentsand consider their relevance regarding the target and attack methodsused,
NOTE Contact local police who will refer you to the appropriate aduiser,suck as Couler Terrorism Security Aduisers (C7SAs) ArchitecturalLiaison Officer (ALO) and Crime Prevention Design Advisers (CPDAs)
3.1.2 If the perceived threat is expected to be vehicle borne and thereis a need to mitigate that threat, it will be necessary to consider howsuch a vehicle might be used in terms of:
a) whether it is parked outside or inside the security perimeter.
b) whether it is driven towards a security perimeter;
c) whether an explosive device is carried;
d) the potential size of vehicle (both largest and smallest);
e) whether it is articulated or rigid;
f) its corresponding height, width, weight and possible cargo.
3.1.3 Determine the required standoff from critical assets bearing inmind that the barrier could move or debris from the vehicle could beprojected beyond the barrier’s final resting position.
Identify the critical assets3,2
3.2.1 Identify the assets to be protected, i.e. a building, group ofbuildings, an area, event, or personnel.
3.2.2 Confirm whether there is a defensible security perimeter, eitherpermmanent or temporary, or whether one will need to be established.3.2.3 Identify the most critical buildings/assets (includingneighbours). Consider their vulnerabilities. If more than one point isidentified they should be ranked in order of priority.
3.2.4 Outline the consequences of a successful attack and estimate thelikely disruption in terms of loss of life, damage, delays, perception andcost.
Consider collateral damage3.3
3.3.1 Identify locations which might suffer collateral damage from asuccessful attack, e.g.:
a) areas where there are high concentrations of people:
bunderground tunnels, basements and subways;
c1vent shafts:
d) bridges;
e) major communication networks (above and below ground):f)electricity, water and gas lines (above and below ground):g) control rooms.
3.3.2 Identify other locations which might become alternative targets ifthe security strategy is effective.
3.3.3 Assess the possibility of coordinating a physical vehicle securitybarrier strategy with adjacent interested parties.
Consider the requirements for security3.4measures
3.4.1 Define the period for which security measures will be required34.2 Assess whether the measures will be operational continually.occasionally or infequentlu. Decide whether a permanent,semi-permanent or temporary installation is required. Identify the levelof protection that the measure will be required to provide.
PAS 69:2006 pdf download
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