PAS 90:2006 pdf download Specification for safe working practice for on-site maintenance and repair of industrial trucks
1 Scope
This PAS specifies the minimum safe working practicesfor industrial truck service engineers working on site.It is applicable to service engineers who carry outmaintenance,repair and/or thorough examination taskson-site. lt also provides guidance on the responsibilitiesof employers and trainers of service engineers to enablethem to work safely on site.
It is not applicable to specific engineering training forengineers or to local site specific induction.NOTE An example of specific engineering training is thetraining that an engineer receives as part of an engineeringapprentice scheme.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensablefor the application of this document. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, thelatest edition of the referenced document (including anyamendments)applies.
BS EN ISO 20345, Personal protective equipment -Protective footwear.
HSG 6, Safety in working with lift trucks
3 Terms and definitions
breakdownsituation where a vehicle is immobilised or unserviceablethrough a failure that is not the result of an accident
service engineer
person who has appropriate practical and theoreticalknowledge, and experience of the type of vehicles and/orequipment to be inspected, repaired and/or maintainedand who is capable of detecting defects or weaknessesand assessing their importance in relation to the safetyand continued use of the vehicle and/or equipment
acking and supportingprocedure to raise a vehicle for the purpose of maintenanceand to secure that vehicle safely in a raised state
industrial truck
wheeled vehicle – except one running on rails – designedto carry, tow, push, lift, stack or tier in racks any kind ofload and controlled by an operator who either walkswith the truck or rides on a seat or on a speciallyarranged platform
[BS EN 1726-1:1999,definition 1.2]
4 Genera
4.1 Insurance
The employer shall ensure that they have insurance coverfor the activities of their service engineers on site. This shallinclude as a minimum:
a) public liability;b) employers liability.
4.2 Unsafe industrial trucks
The employer shall provide information and trainingfor service engineers on the procedures to follow if anindustrial truck cannot be made safe to use as a resultof the maintenance or repair to be carried out.
4.3 Operating customer industrial trucksUnless the service engineer has the appropriatecertification and authorisation, he shall not operate anindustrial truck on behalf of the customer for thepurpose of moving goods.
4.4 Driving licence
When recruiting an engineer, the employer shall ensurethat a check is made on their driving licence. The licenceshall be appropriate for the vehicles to be driven. Thesechecks shall be recorded. Further driving licence checksshall be completed at least annually.
The employer shall monitor any penalty points on a serviceengineer’s licence and maintain a record of endorsementsto identify if additional training is required.
PAS 90:2006 pdf download
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