DD IEC PAS 61300-3-35:2002 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

DD IEC PAS 61300-3-35:2002 pdf download Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Basic test and measurement procedures — Part 3-35: Examinations and measurements — Fibre optic cylindrical connector endface visual inspection
The purpose of this part of IEC 61300 is to quantitatively assess the endface quality of apolished fiber optic connector. The information is intended for use with other standards whichset requirements for allowable surface defects such as scratches, pits and debris which mayaffect optical performance. ln general, the methods described in this document apply to fiberscontained within a ferrule, however portions are applicable to non-ferruled connectors. Thoseportions are identified where appropriate.
2 Normative references
The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this textconstitutes provisions of this part ofIEC 61300.
IEC 61300-1 Ed. 1.0b: 1995, Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components -Basic test and measurement procedures – Part 1: General and guidance 86B
3 General description
Two methods are described: (A) Optical microscope and (B) CCD array camera with monitor.in method A, the required equipment is an optical microscope capable of direct illumination witha calibrated eyepiece reticle to measure the size of features in the image. ln method B, anoptical microscope s used in conjunction with a CCD array camera to project an image onto avideo monitor at a known magnification. ln both methods A and B, features are identified andmeasured by an operator.
3.1 Morphological Definitions of Defect Features
For purposes of this document the following defects shall apply for all measurement methods.
Scratches: permanent linear surface features derived from polishing or handling
Pits: permanent non-linear features caused by surface damage during polishing or handling
Cracks: permanent fracture lines that may extend to the surface of the fiber
Surface debris: non-permanent features that can be removed by cleaning.
3.2 Measurement conditions
No restrictions are placed on the range of atmospheric conditions under which the test can beconducted. lt may performed in controlled or uncontrolled environments
3.3 Pre-conditioning
No minimum pre-conditioning time is required.
3.4 Recovery
Since measurements are to be made at standard test conditions, no minimum recovery time isrequired.
The apparatus consists of the following elements
4.1 Method A: Optical
The apparatus for method A (figure 1) consists of an optical microscope with the followingfeatures and capabilties:
A suitable ferrule or connector plug holder and a positioning stage
Minimum total magnification of 200X, where total magnification is defined as the product ofthe objective lens and eyepiece lens magnifications.
Resolving power of 1,0 um
The resolving power is determined by the numerical aperature of the objective lens andwavelength of the illuminating light as given in equation:
R = 0,61入/NA
Where: R is the resolving power,
入 is the wavelength of the illuminating light, andNA is the numerical aperature of the objective lens
Direct axial illumination with an unpolarisedlight light source shall be used. A centerwavelenath is 0.56 um is recommended. This can be achieved with a white light source
NOTEA center wavelength of 0,56 um requires an NA of 0.34 to achieve the required resolution of 1,0 m
A calibrated eyepiece reticle capable of measuring features on the ferrule surface with lineardimensions of 1,0 um or greater .

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