DD IEC PAS 61499-4:2002 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

DD IEC PAS 61499-4:2002 pdf download Function blocks for industrial-process measurement and control systems — Part 4: Rules for compliance profiles
NOTE 1 Terms defined in this clause are italicized where they appear in the bodies of definitions.NOTE 2 The ISO/AFNOR Dictionary of computer science and the Intemational Electrotechnical Vocabulary should beconsulted for terms not defined or referenced in this Part.
All definitions given in IEC 61499-1 and IEC 61499-2 apply to this Part. In addition, thefollowing definitions apply for the purposes of this Part.
comply (to or with a specification)to meet all the requirements (of a specification)EXAMPLEA compliance profile developed according to the rules given in this Part is said to “comply with” or to be”compliant with” this Part.
compliance profilea specification complying with the rules given in this Part1.3.2configurability (of a functional unit)ability to be configured
EXAMPLEThe configurabilty of a device can be expressed by the extent to which it conforms to the configurabilityrequirements of a comp/iance profile.
1.3.3conform (to or with a specification)to satisfy some but not necessarily all of the requirements (of a specification)EXAMPLE A software tool or a device developed meeting some but not necessarly all of the requirements of acompliance profile is said to “conform to” or to be “conformant with” that compliance profile.
interoperableable to operate together to perform a specified set of functionsEXAMPLE Two devices may be considered interoperable if they are able to operate together to perform thefunctions specified in a system configuration.
1.3.5interchangeable(with a functiona/ unit)able to be substituted for (a functiona/ unit)
EXAMPLEA device may be considered interchangeable with another device if it can be substituted for the device irsuch a way that any distributed applications will continue to operate as before the substitution, includingidentical dynamic responses of any distributed applications involving the device.
1.3.6portable (between software tools)able to be accepted and correctly interpreted (by multiple software tools)EXAMPLE A software library element is portable between two software tools if it can be accepted and correctlyinterpreted by both software tools.
Contents of compliance profilesThe contents of compliance profiles shall follow the general outline given in Table 1. Rulesfor the writing of specific clauses and subclauses of such profiles are given in the remainderof this Clause.
The title of a compliance profile shall have the form “IEC 61499 Compliance Profile for“, where denotes the scope of applicability of the profile. The title page or aForeword shall also denote the organization(s) or individual(s) responsible for thedevelopment and maintenance of the compliance profile.Compliance profiles may define features not specified in lEC 61499-1 and IEC 61499-2Such features shall be described as “extensions to IEC 61499-1” or “extensions to lEC61499-2” and the compliance profile shall specify their mapping to the elements described inIEC 61499-1 orIEC 61499-2respectively.

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