DD IEC PAS 61906:2005 pdf download

12-31-2022 comment

DD IEC PAS 61906:2005 pdf download Procedure for the declaration of materials in products of the electrotechnical and electronics industry
This PAs describes the form and procedure relating to the declaration of materials in productsof companies operating in the electrotechnical and electronic industry (E&E industry) and itssupplier industry, including the operational materials contained in the products.
NOTE 1 The declaration provides product information which is the foundation for a database which can bereferred to in order to solve the following tasks, for example!
assurance oflegal compliance:
management of business risks
fulfilment of market requirements in relation to the products;
market information;
preparation of self-declared environmental claims:
assessment of effects of products on people and environment;
implementation of avoidance and replacement strategies, reduction in material proliferation:information for reprocessing and removal;
reuse, recovery and safe disposal of products or product partscarrying out of supplier audits.
These data wil be supplemented by the oblications under chemica substances laws to furnish material safety datasheets and by information on occupational health and safety. The declaration governed by this specification shouldbe taken into account in purchasing and delivery agreements.
NOTE 2 There might exist additional statutory requirements. Compliance with statutory regulations is the duty ofthe person placing the product on the market and is a prerequisite. This concerns, for example, materials inproducts for which restrictions have legally binding force in the legislative area applicable to the person placing theproduct on the market.
NOTE 3 This information on materials in products can be drawn upon, for example, when preparing life-cycleassessments in accordance with ISO 14040 ff. or environmental labels conforming to lSO 14020,ISO 14021,ISC14024 orISO14025.
NOTE 4 Criteria for selecting materials and individual constituents to be declared are not yet elaborated in thisspecification.
NOTE 5 The depth of declaration can be the subject of an agreement between the parties involved.
NOTE 6 Materlal declarations constitute one of the tools within environmental management according to ISO14062
NOTE 7 The material declaration is subject to account being taken of agreements on confidentiality andprotection of intellectual property along the process chain.
This PAS is intended for use by the technical committees in the drafting of standards as wellas by the product suppliers for the declaration of materials in products of the E&E industry inconformance with the basic principles laid down in IEC Guide 113.
Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this documentFor dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EC Guide 113.Materials declaration questionnaires – Basic quidelines’
ISO 14020:2000,Environmental labels and declarations – General principles
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply
productresult of labour or of a natural or industrial process
NOTE This general definition of product is in the context of this PAS limited to any product of the product category”hardware’ according to ISO 9000:2000 No. 3.4.2 of and for the electrotechnical and electronic industry (E&E).
product part
subunit(s) of a product
NOTE Many products consist of product parts, such as equipment enclosures, assembled printed circuit-boardsand power supplies.
product subpart
subunit(s) of a product part
NOTE 1 A product part, such as an assembled printed circuit-board, consists, for example, of the productsubparts bare printed circuit-board and components.
NOTE 2 The terms product, product part and product subpart can be reassigned at any value-adding assemblytevel in the E&E industry. A product from the supplier’s perspective may be a product part or product subpart fromthe customer’s perspective.
substance or preparation within a product, product part or product subpart
NOTE 1 The definition for substance and preparation conforms to that in the European Union and in the EuropeanEconomy Area according to Directive 67/548/EEC. lt also conforms to the definitions of the chemical substanceslaws, for example, of Japan and the USA
NOTE 2The inclusion of impurities in the classification and the explicit specificatlon of the individual constituentsincluding impurities) of substances and preparations ar governed by regulations, for example, in the EuropearUnion and in the Furopean Economy Area in Annex Vl of Directive 671548/EEC.An impurity is a chemical elementor chemical compound which occurs in a substance as a result of natural occurrence or by reason of technicanecessities and which have not been added intentionally
substancechemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any productionprocess, including any additive necessary to preserve the stability of the products and anyimpurity deriving from the process used but excluding any solvent that can be separatedwithout affecting the stability or changing its composition

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