SAE EIA-830-2000 pdf download Model for Integrating Metrics into the Procurement Process
The criteria are listed below. Each is in bold type. This is to help avoid problems withinterpretation.
This criterion is intended to ensure that the measurement is useful in assessing thedegree to which our processes are doing their job, namely, satisfying the needs of ourinternal and external customers. t is essential that our measurements relatesatisfaction of customer requirements with process performance.
It is necessary to assure that measures are tailored to a specific customer/projectThis can best be accomplished by establishing measures that have been derived bythose who will interpret and apply the data gathered
The definition of the proposed measurement should be in every day English. Noambiguities or interpretable phases should be used in defining the measurement to befollowed. It needs to be clear and concise.
Measurements,and where applicable, past measurement history must be readilyavailable to the individuals who are responsible for the basis of the data beingdisplayed. They need to know how well they are doing against the standards thatthey set.
Processes represent the job we are doing in producing the products and servicesnecessary to satisfy customer requirements. The measurement should clearlydelineate a performance trend which allows an assessment of positive or negativeprogress for your individual processes.
Measurement tells us when something is important, and enables us to decide if wehave a problem or not. Basis for action.
Availability of results are critical in providing corrective action as required. It isessential that measured data be gathered, collated and evaluated in a periodcommensurate with timely reporting of resultsThe value of making the measurement must be significantly greater than the cost ofcollecting the data necessary to make the measurement. In general, use the leastexpensive data collection method that still provides an acceptable basis for assessingthe process and identifying potential improvementsThere is no “right” number of measurement. Too many is as bad as too few, Allmeasurement must provide value to the management effectiveness of theorganization. You can only manage so many things. Manage the ones that count.
SAE EIA-830-2000 pdf download
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