This standard provides general guidance for checking quality compliance with the requirements of all NASsupplier packaging standards.
2The purpose of this standard is to provide a recommended quality check plan for suppliers who do not havean existing quality packaging programn.
Assure that items prepared for packaging are clean and free from contaminates.Method for determination:
Wipe item with clean cloth – evidence of deposit requires cleaning of item.Use litmus paper to verify the acid-alkaline content. If in excess, clean and recheck.When contact preservative is required verify correct type and application and check for:Application of preservatives is controlled to provide for ease of removal.Internal treat oils are compatible with operating fluids.
Heavy preservatives are restricted to items having protrusions or surfaces that will allow foreasy removal.
Assure that the material to be used for the packaging is in accordance with the NASStandard specified in contract or order.
Verify that items to be packaged are not contaminated by material adjacent to the item.Assure the wrapping and cushioning material are free from foreign matter detrimental tothe item.
Assure unit container closures provide for ease of removal of item and resistance toaccidental opening of package.
Preparation for shipment
Verify that shipping containers meet the applicable requirements for the mode oftransportation employed.
Assure that the total weight of contents do not exceed weight limitations of the container
Verify that containers in excess of 100# are provided with material handling aids (skids,
pallets, etc.)
Assure that adequate dunnage is provided to restrict free movement of the item within thecontainer.
Verify that markings are clear, legible and located so that they will remain intact whencontainer is opened.
Assure accuracy and completeness of all markings on unit and shipping containers.
Verify that all required precautionary markings are visible.
Assure that age controlled items have the date of cure shown of all unit containers.
Verify that required shipping documents are securely attached to or within the container. lfdocuments are placed within, assure that container is marked to so indicate.
AIA/NAS 852-2013 pdf download
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