3.5.10 On equipmnent diagrams, the same number and/or symbol shall not be used more than once in identifying wires and terminals of different circults. Only one number and/or symbo1 shall be used to identify a wire. The wire number shall not change where crossing a terminal str1p.
3.6 Hydraulic Eguipment: All hydraulic equipment and its installation sha1l conform to the latest J.I.C. stand- ards, where they apply and shal1 provide for the use of fire resistant fluids. Suitable over- temperature thermal swl tches and 1ights shall be provided to alert the operator to an over-temperature condition and to shut off electric motors at end of cycle in the event hydraulic fluid temperatures exceed the top 11mit speclfied by the f1u1d suppller. System shall be provided with 1ow-1evel gage and alarm. Adequate f11ters shall be designed into the system to be easily accessible for maintenance and inspec tlon. Separate pump shall be provided for each pressure sys tem. Protection against pressure varla- tion In each system must be provided. Gages Indicating cy1inder pressure for al1 bending movements, except mandrel move- ment, shall be provided and visible to the operator whlle machine 1s in operatfon. The entire system must be leak-proof under maxioum pressure.
3.7 Lubrication: Automatic 1ubrication of a1l sl1ding and rotating parts* shal1 be actuated by the cyc1ing of the machine. Such 1ubrication shall be adequate but not excessive. A11 points of adjus tment** shall have provisions for per- fodic lubrication. Lubricant system shall be equipped with 1ow-1eve1 and system- failure alarm. *Excluding motors or pumps with non- additive pack seal bearings . . **Defined as motions independent of machine cycling.
3.8 Safety: The machine shal1 be furnished with adequate safety devices of the latest approved type. Moving parts which are hazardous to personnel shal1 ‘be suitably protected. A11 equf pment and components shall comply with applic- able Occupational Safety & Health Standards, Part 1910 of Chapter XVII of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations and to the state and local safety codes where equipment 1s to be installed.
3.8.1 Ample protection against electrical shock shal1 be provided.
3.8.2 Safety stops shall be used to 1imit excess trave1 of all axes.
3.8.3 An emergency stop button sha1l be provided to stop all machine motions.
3.8.4 A11 safety devices shall operate an indicator 1ight where applicable.
3.9 Interchangeability: Al1 replaceable parts shall be manufactured to definite standards for tolerance, clear- ance, and finish in order that any such part may be ffeld-installed without further machining. All parts shall be permanently and legibly marked with the original manufacturer’s part number, where. practical. Parts or assemblies that require “fitting” for proper assembly in the field must be identified and separately 11sted in the parts manual .
AIA/NAS 949-2012 pdf download
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