The latest revisions of the following specifications, codes, and standards are in-cluded as a portion of this specification. Detail requirements listed in thisspecification shall override any contradictory portions of the following speci-cations, codes,and standards.
American Welding Society Standard A3.0-69
The Joint Industrial Coucil IC) Electrical Standards for General Pur-pose Machine Tools,EGP.1.1967, when requirements are not specificallynoted in Sections 2.6 and 2.7.
The Joint Industrial Council (JIC) Hydraulic and Pneumatic Standards forIndustrial Equipment.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) EW1-1970.
The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) Construction Standards forElectronic Wiring and Components,RS 281.
FCC regulations pertaining to radio interference.
National Aerospace Standard 972,Glossary of Manufacturing EquipmentTerms.
Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Part 1910 of Chapter XVII ofTitle 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Ref: Occupational Safetyand Health Act (OSHA) – 1970
State and Local Safety and Electrical Codes.
1Military Specification C-4566A2 – Calibration Systems Requirements.
The manufacturer has the choice of configuration and functionaloperation of the equipment except where specifically stated inthis specification.
Welder Sub-Assemblies
Welding Head
Capacity – At 100% duty cycle of applicable power source (LowMedium,High – as detailed in 12.2).
Inert gas lines shall be flexible and of a type to prevent contami-nation by osmotic aspirations of oxygen or water vapor or gasline outgassing according to customer ‘s specification, so thatplasma arc performance is not reduced.
The welding torch shall be adequately cooled to maintain currentcapacity specified.
Gas inlet fitting, water inlet fitting, water out, and power cablefitting shall be per NAS specification.
Permanent leak proof partitions shall be used between water andgas passages.
AIA/NAS 997-2012 pdf download
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