API RP 14J:2001(R2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities
1 General
The purpose of this recommended practice is to assemble into one document useful procedures and guidelines for plan- ning, designing and arranging offshore production facilities, and performing a hazards analysis on open-type offshore pro- duction facilities. This will promote safe, pollution free and efficient production of oil and gas. This publication is only a guide and requires the application of sound engineering judg- ment. Furthermore, it is not intended to override or otherwise supersede any existing code or governmental rule or regula- tion, nor is it intended as a comprehensive document contain- ing all useful and appropriate information.
This document recommends minimum requirements and guidelines for the design and layout of production facilities on open-type offshore platforms, and it is intended to bring together in one place a brief description of basic hazards anal- ysis procedures for offshore production facilities. This recom- mended practice discusses several procedures that could be used to perform a hazards analysis, and it presents minimum requirements for process safety information and hazards anal- ysis that can be used for satisfying the requirements of API RP 75. The concepts contained herein recognize that special haz- ard considerations exist for offshore production facilities. As a minimum, these include: 1. Spatial limitations that may cause potential ignition sources being installed in or near production equipment. 2. Spatial limitations that may result in quarters being installed near production equipment, pipeline/flow line risers, fuel storage tanks, or other major fuel sources. 3. The inherent fire hazard presented by the release of flammable liquids or vapors, whether during normal oper- ations or as a result of any unusual or abnormal condition. 4. The severe marine environment, including corrosion, remoteness/isolation, and weather (i.e., wind, wave and current, ice).
Various organizations have developed numerous codes, practices and standards that have substantial acceptance by industry and governmental bodies. Codes, practices, and stan- dards useful in the design, fabrication, installation, layout, and operation of offshore production facilities are listed in Appendix C. These references are not to be considered a part of this recommended practice except for those specific sec- tions of documents referenced elsewhere in this recom- mended practice.
Government regulatory agencies have established certain requirements for the design, fabrication, installation, layout and operation of facilities on offshore production platforms. These requirements may supersede the recommendations of this document. Refer to Appendix D for applicable govern- ment codes, rules and regulations related to the outer conti- nental shelf of the United States.
API RP 14J:2001(R2013) pdf download
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