801.1 Standards and Specifications
801.11 Standards and specifications approved foruse under the Code and the names and addresses of thesponsoring organizations are shown in Appendix A. Itis not considered practicable to refer to a specific editionof each of the standards and specifications in the individ.ual Code paragraphs.
801.12 Use of Standards and Specifications Incorporated by Reference. Some standards and specificationscited in Appendix A are supplemented by specificrequirements elsewhere in this Code. Users of this Codeare advised against attempting direct application of anyof these standards without carefully observing theCode’s reference to that standard.
801.2 Standard Dimensions
Adherence to American National Standards Institute(ANSI) dimensions is strongly recommended whereverpracticable. Paragraphs or notations specifying theseand other dimensional standards in this Code, however,shall not be mandatory, provided that other designs ofat least equal strength and tightness, capable of withstanding the same test requirements, are substituted.
801.3 SI (Metric) Conversion
For factors used in converting English units to SIunits,see AppendixJ.
802.1 Scope
802.11 This Code covers the design,fabricationinstallation, inspection, and testing of pipeline facilitiesused for the transportation of gas.This Code also coverssafety aspects of the operation and maintenance of thosefacilities.
802.12 This Code does not apply to
(a) design and manufacture of pressure vessels cov-ered by the BPV Codel
(b) piping with metal temperatures above 450°F orbelow -20°F(For low temperature within the rangecovered by this Code, see para. 812.)
(c) piping beyond the outlet of the customer’s meterset assembly.(Refer to ANSI Z223.1 and NFPA 54)(d) piping in oil refineries or natural gasoline extraction plants, gas treating plant piping other than the maingas stream piping in dehydration, and all other pro-cessing plants installed as part of a gas transmissionsystem, gas manufacturing plants, industrial plants,ormines.(See other applicable sections of the ASME Codefor Pressure Piping,B31.)
(e) vent piping to operate at substantially atmosphericpressures for waste gases of any kind
(f) wellhead assemblies, including control valvesflow lines between wellhead and trap or separator, off-shore platform production facility piping, or casing andtubing in gas or oil wells.(For offshore platform produc-tion facility piping see API RP 14E.)
(g) the design and manufacture of proprietary itemsof equipment, apparatus, or instruments(h) the design and manufacture of heat exchangers(Refer to appropriate TEMA2 Standard.)(i) liquid petroleum transportation piping systems(Refer to ANSI/ASME B31.4.)(j) liquid slurry transportation piping systems (Referto ASME B31.11)
(k) carbon dioxide transportation piping systems(l) liquefied natural gas piping systems (Refer toNFPA 59A and ASME B31.3.)
802.2 Intent
802.21 The requirements of this Code are adequatefor safety under conditions usually encountered in thegas industry. Requirements for all unusual conditionscannot be specifically provided for, nor are all detailsof engineering and construction prescribed; thereforeactivities involving the design, construction, operation,or maintenance of gas transmission or distribution pipe-lines should be undertaken using supervisory personnel
ASME B31.8:2003 pdf download
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