ASME B107.21:2005 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B107.21:2005 pdf download Wrench, Crowfoot
4.6 Finish
Wrenches shall be free from rust, burrs, pitts, nodulesblisters, cracks, or other conditions that may impair serviceability, safety, durability, or appearance.
4.6.1 Surface Finish. Forge flash shall be completelyremoved from the periphery of the drive end and theflare nut and open end portions of the wrench. Anyremaining forge flash on any remaining surfacesbetween the heads shall blend smoothly with adjacentsurfaces. External sharp edges shall be broken to 0.016 in.(0.41 mm) radius minimum, and shall not project morethan 0.016 in.(0.41 mm) from adjacent surfaces.
4.6.2 Coatings The wrench shall be coated with oneof the coatings in accordance with para. 4.6.2(a),(b)or(c).
(a) Chrome P/ate. The coatings shall be electrodepos-ited metals consisting of nickel followed by chromiumThe minimum thickness shall be 0.00015 in.(0.0038 mm)for nickel or iron-nickel, and 0.000003 in.(0.000076 mm)for chromium, unless the wrench passes the test inpara.5.3.
(b) Oxide Coating or Phosphate Coating. Coating shallconsist of a chemically produced oxide or phosphatefollowed with a coating of rust preventive.(C)A/ternate Coatings. Alternative coatings may beused in lieu of nickel-chromium and shall be subjectedto the Alternative Coating Test as specified in para. 5.3
4.7 Design
Wrenches shall be designed to allow accessibility tofasteners in confined and restricted areas. The internadrive surfaces, and the nut and bolt head engaging sur-faces of the flare nut and open end openings, shall befinished in a smooth and well-defined manner. The cor-ners and/or serrations in the openings shall be clearlydefined (not smeared or torn). Type I wrenches shall bechamfered on both sides to provide a lead for the working surfaces.The slotted opening on Type I wrenches.and tips of all open ends on Type II wrenches, shall bechamfered or rounded to eliminate burrs.
When the internal drive end is furnished with a holeor recess for engagement of the ball/plunger on corresponding external drive end and the length of engage-ment of the external drive tang is less than twice thedimension of Drin Table 7 of ASME B107.4M the holeor recess shall be central in the corresponding internaldrive.
4.7.1 Type I, Flare Nut. Type I wrenches shall havethe flare nut design (see Figs. 1 and 2). The wrench shallhave an internal drive opening at one end and a wrenchopening to drive hexagonal fasteners. See Tables 1through 4M.
The slotted opening may be rotated from the centerine of wrench.
4.7.2 Type Il, Open End. Type Il wrenches shall havethe open end design (see Fig. 3) The wrench shall havean internal drive opening at one end and open wrenchend at the other end. See Tables 5 through 7.
The tests specified herein are inherently hazardousand adequate safequards for personnel and propertyshall be employed in conducting these tests.
51 Hardness
Hardness shall be tested in accordance with ASTME18. When surface preparation is necessary, the amountof material removed shall not exceed 0.007 in.(0.18 mm)in the area contaced by the indenter.
5.2 Proof Torque Test
Load tests shall be conducted on the sample wrenchesto determine conformance with the applicable test loadrequirements specified in para. 4.5.
5.2.1 Mandrels for Wrench Openings. The wrenchesshall be tested on mandrels conforming to Table 8 or8M as applicable. Mandrels shall be hardened to a mini-mum of 55 HRC and smoothly finished on the wrenchengaging surfaces

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