API Publ 1669:1994 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

API Publ 1669:1994 pdf download.Results of a Retail Gasoline Outlet And Commercial Parking Lot Storm Water Runoff Study
This report presents the results of a two-part study of constituents present in simulated storm water runoff fiom six retail gasoline outlets (RGûs) and four commercial parking lots. The objective of the study is to characterize storm water runoff from RGûs and to compare the results with runoff from commercial parking lots and published urban “background” values. The study was funded by the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API). The study demonstrates that for the constituents analyzed, median event mean concentrations (EMCs) in storm water runoff fiom normally operated and maintained RGOs are no higher than those in runoff fiom commercial parking lots. Additionally, median EMCs of total suspended solids, copper, lead, and zinc in runoff from RGûs and parking lots are no higher than background levels present in urban runoff as established by the National Urban Runoff Program. Furthermore, there are no significant differences in median EMCs in runoff from RGO pump islands and driveways for the constituents analyzed. These results indicate that fiieling activities at normally operated and maintained RGOs do not contribute additional significant concentrations of measured constituents in storm water runof In 1987, Section 402(p) was added to the Clean Water Act to establish a framework for addressing storm water discharges under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) progrm. Storm water discharges from commercial facilities, such as RGOs and parking lots, are not included under the initial regulations. However, regulations are to be promulgated that are expected to increase the number and types of dischargers required to obtain NPDES permit coverage for storm water discharges. EPA, in a report to Congress @PA, 1993), identified several business categories that are not currently regulated by NPDES permits. Automotive service facilities, including RGOs, are included on EPA’s list of potential Phase II permittees.
Discharges from commercial facilities, such as RGOs and parking lots, are not included under the Phase I regulations. However, Phase II regulations to be promulgated are expected to increase the numbers and types of dischargers that are required to obtain NPDES permit coverage for storm water discharges. EPA, in a draft Phase II report to Congress @PA, 1999, identified several business categories that are not currently regulated by NPDES permits. Automotive senrice facilities, including RGûs, are included on EPA’s list of potential Phase II permittees. It should be noted that, according to the EPA draft Phase II report, the list of potential permittees was created using limited reliable data on storm water problems associated with Phase II sources nationwide. In order to provide data regarding storm water runoff from potential Phase II facilities, WSPA and API commissioned this study.

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