ASME A112.6.7:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

2.2 Epoxy Coating
The visible surface after installation of each floorsink shall be acid-resisting epoxy, thoroughly fused tothe cast iron base. It shall be free from flaws that mayeffect the appearance or serviceability of the floor sinkThe epoxy surface shall be examined for blemishes inaccordance with Section 6 of ASME A112.19.1.
2.2.1 Surface Epoxy. The surface epoxy,visibleafter installation, shall be glossy to the extent that itwill have a 1.05 rad. (60 deg.) specular gloss of notless than 60 when tested in accordance with para. 5.2
2.2.2 Epoxy Thickness. The thickness of the epoxy coating, as measured on a fat surface at least 1in. (25 mm) from any edge shall not be less than 4mils (0. mm).
2.2.3 Acid Resistance. The epoxy coating shall beacid resisting when tested in accordance with para. 5.3
2.2.4 Epoxy Flexibility. The epoxy shall be fiexible when tested in accordance with para. 5.4.
2.3 Detail Requirements for PVC
All foor sinks plastic parts shall be of PVC material
2.3.1 PVC Floor Sinks. All PVC floor sinks shallbe made of a single PVC virgin compound exceptas provided in para. 2.3.2 and shall conform to therequirements specified in ASTM D 1784 for a PVC12454 compound.
2.3.2 Reworked Plastic. Clean,reworked plasticgenerated from the manufacturer’s own PVC 12454products may be used provided the floor sinks producedmeet the requirements of this Standard
2.3.3 Grates. The grates must be aligned properlyand fastened by accompanying screws,unless floor sinkdesign is for loose set installation.
2.3.4 Screws.All screws shall be made of corrosionresistant material.
2.3.5 Dimensions. pvC floor sink dimensions shallconform to the socket and spigot dimensions as specifiedin ASTM D 2665.
2.3.6 Open Area. The grates and strainers shallcomply to the open area requirements of ASME4117 71 1
2.3.7 Top Loading.Top loading classifications forgrates shall be in accordance with ASME A112.21.1
3.1 Illustrations
The floor sink type and sizes illustrated in Figs. lthrough 4 are commonly cast iron and Figs. 5 through7 are commonly PC,but other type materials maybe provided.Those illustrated represent a selection forordinary types and may be provided with a variey oftops. Top grates shall meet the requirements of ASME4112.21.1.
3.2 Floor Sinks Without Anchor FlangesFloor sinks without anchor flanges are for use whereanchoring or clamping of a waterproof membrane isnot required.
3.3 Floor Sinks With Anchor Flanges
Floor sinks with anchor flanges are for use whereanchoring or clamping of a waterproof membrane isrequired. The membrane is to be secured to the anchorflange with fange clamps. Provisions shall be madein the drain body for weepholes. They shall be castin the cast iron body and drilled in the pyC body ifnecessary (see Figs. 5 through 7).
3.4 Grate Configurations
Grate configurations shall be either full, 3/4, or ‘/design. See Figs. 8 through 10. Direction of slots mayvary depending on the manufacturer.
Outlet size and connections shall be in accordancewith ASME A112.21.1 and/or ASTM A 888.PVCshall also be in accordance with ASTM D 2665.

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