ASME B30.12:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

Section 12-0.1: Scope of B30.12
This Standard applies to the protection of groundpersonnel working directly with or in the vicinity ofrotorcraft. Within the general scope as defined in SectionI,B30.12 applies to the handling of loads suspendedfrom rotorcraft using a cargo sling or powered hoist.or other attaching means, to lift, carry, pull, or tow ajettisonable load outside of the rotorcraft airframe.
Section 12-0.2: Definitions
administrative or regulatory authority; governmentalagency or the employer in the absence of governmentaljurisdiction.
aircrafi: a device that is used or intended to be usedfor flight in the air.
airframe: the fuselage, booms, nacelles, cowlings, fairings. airfoil surfaces (including rotors but excludingpropellers and rotating airfoils of engines). and landinggear of an aircraft and its accessories and controls.
apex firring: a ring or attaching device between thehook and sling and the supporting cables to the load.appointed: assigned specific responsibilities by theemployer or the employer’s representative.
attitude: the position of the rotorcraft or suspendedload with reference to a horizontal position, such asnose up or nose down.
authorized: appointed by a duly constituted adminis-trative or regulatory authority.
automatic release mechanism: a device for releasingthe load without deliberate action by the pilot or crew
birdcaging: the deformation of a section of wire ropeimparting to such section a birdcage-like appearance.
chocking: blocking to prevent rolling or other inadver.tent movement of the wheels of an aircraft when on the ground or other supported areas with a block ofwood.metal.or other substance.
choker hitch: a method of rigging a sling in whichthe sling is passed around the load, then through oneloop eye, end fitting, or other device with the otherloop eye or end fitting attached to the lifting deviceThis hitch can be made with a sliding choker hook orsimilar device.
closed throat load beam: that weight-bearing part ofa primary cargo hook that must be manually relatchedor closed after an apex fitting has been placed on it(see Fig.1)
contractor: the company, firm, individual, or otherbusiness enterprise that contracts with an operator toperform work.
copilot: a pilot who is second in command of anaircraft
designated person: a person selected or assigned bythe employer or employer’s representative as beingcompetent to perform specific duties.
emergency release device: a secondary means forreleasing the external load from the aircraft in theevent of a failure of the release mechanism of theprimary hook.
external lift or load operation: any operation involvinga rotorcraft carrying an external load.
external load: a jettisonable load that is suspendedfrom the primary hook(s) or other rotorcraft load attachment points.
external load attaching means: the structural components used to attach an external load to an aircraftthe backup structure at the attachment points, and anyquick-release device used to jettison the external load
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
FAR. Federal Aviation Regulations.

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