ASME B107.57:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

blade: the tapered ponjon of the bricklayers’ hammerhead directly opposite the face.
chamtfer: the angled hat surface or cquivalent radiuscncircling the permeler of the face of the bricklaycrsharmmner and prospccling picks and at both ends af thecutting edge of the bncklayers’ hammer.
cheeks: see sides
curring edge rbit): the edge directly opposite thc faccof the bricklaycrs’ harrirnerhead at the extreme end ofthe blade.
eye: an apening or apcrture in the bricklayers’ hammeior prospecting pick located between the blade or picland the face into which the handle is inserted if thchandle is scparate.
face: the portion of thc bricklayers’ hammerhead orprospecting pick head, exclusive of the bell and chamferlocaled on the end of the head opposite from the bladeor pick end,
handle: te portion that protrudes from the hammerhead or pick head and by which the tool is held.
handie grip: mnaterial securely attached to the gripend of some styles of hammer or pick handles.
hardness: the condition of te hammerhead or pickhead resulting frorn heal treatment.
neck: on some bricklayers’ hammmners of aitermativedesign (see Fig. 1). te portion of the hammerheadbetween the bell and the hammer eye.
pick: the portion of the prospccting pick direcilyopposite the face.
safety message: the informnation imprinted on or affixed to the hammer that is intended to promote safety
sides: outside surtaces of the harmmcr-head, on eithelside of the eye, located between the blade and chamnferor neck on tricklayers’ harnrners and the pick end andcharnfer on prospecting picks: also called cheeks.
fop of hamaner ar pick: the portion of the hammcror prospccling pick head opposite the handle entry.
4.1 Design
Bricklayers’ hammers shal have a face on one endof the head and a cutting edge on the opposite endfor use in sctting and cutting (splinting) bricks, masonry tile. concrete tile,and concrete blocks and for chippingmortar fromn bricks. Prospecting picks shall have a facon one end of the head and a pick on the oppositeend of the head for use in pulling samplex from theground.
4.1.1 The faces of the heads shall be fiat.
4.1.2 The faces shall have a chamfer of 45 deg (orcquivalent radius] all around the perimeter with thewidih equal to appraximately 0.06 in.(1.5 mm).
4.1.3 The undcrsidc of the cutting edge or bitof the bricklayers’ harnrner shall have a bevel ofapproximalely 30 deg to 45 deg. The two outer cornersof e cutting edec shall have a chamfer of approxi-mately 4S deg or equivalent radius.
4.1.4 Handics shall be of any design, includingergongmic,that can withstand the tests specified inparas.4.4.3 and 4.4.4.
4.1.5 The head and handle shall be free of nonfunictional sharp edges, points, and surface roughness thatcould inflict personal injury on the user while handfingthe bricklayers’ harnmer or prospecting pick.
4.2 Materials
4.21 Heads shall be made from special-quality. fincgrain, hot-rolled,carton steel bars conforming 1o thcchemical requirements specified in Table 1 and toASTM A 576 or from an equivalent material such asalloy stec! conforming lo ASTM A 322 or ASTM A 681
4.2.2 Heads shall be frce of manufacturing andmaterial defects, such as seams. laps. pipcs. and coldshuts thal could jeopardize sound construction. Theyshall conform to requirements for mnechanical propertiesspccifed in para. 4.3 and shall withstand the sinkingtest specifed in para. 4.4.3.
4.2.3 HandJes shall be madc of any suitable materialthat will wiihstand the test rcquircmcnts in paras.4.4.3and 4.4.4
4.3 Mechanical Properties
4.3.1 The faces of the hammerheads and pick headyshall be hardened and termpcred to a hardness of 45HRC to 60 HRC or equivalent. The steel directlybehind the face shall be a toughened supporting corcgradually decrcasing in hardness.

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