ASME B16.21:2001 pdf download

12-16-2022 comment

ASME B16.21:2001 pdf download Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
This Standard covers types, sizes, materials, dimensions, tolerances, and markings for nonmetallic flatgaskets.These gaskets are dimensionally suitable foruse with flanges described in the referenced flangestandards.
2.1 Relevant Units
This Standard states values both in SI (metric) and U.SCustomary units. As an exception, diameter of bolts andflange bolt holes are expressed in inch units only.Thesesystems of units are to be regarded separately as standardWithin the textthe US Customary units are shown inparentheses or in separate tables. The values stated ineach system are not exact equivalents; therefore, it isrequired that each system of units be used independentlyof the other. Except for diameter of bolts and flange boltholes, combining values from the two systems constitutesnonconformance with the Standard.
2.2 Quality Systems
Requirements relating to the product manufacturersquality system programs are described inNonmandatory Appendix A.
2.3 References
Standards and specifications adopted by reference inthis Standard are shown in Mandatory Appendix Il.
2.4 Flanged Joints
A flanged joint is composed of separate and indepen-dentalthough interrelated,components: the flanges,gasket,and bolting, which are assembled by another influence, the assembler. Proper controls must be exercised inthe selection and application for all these elements toattain a joint that has acceptable leak tightness.
Additional guidelines for flange assembly can be foundin ASME PCC-1 (see Nonmandatory Appendix B)].
2.5 Types
Dimensions are provided for the following types ofgaskets, which are suitable for use with the flangefaces indicated:
Gasket Type
Full face
Flat ring
Flange Facing
Flat face
Ralsed face
2.6 Size
NPS, followed by a dimensionless number, is the desig- nation for nominal pipe size, as described in ASME B36.10M and is related to the reference nominal diameter, DN, used in international standards. The relationship is as follows:
GENERAL NOTE: For NPS 2 4, the related DN = 25 * NPS
2.7 Pressure Class Designation
Class, followed by a dimensionless number, is the designation for common flange pressure-temperature ratingsas given by the referenced flange standards.
3.1 Composition
Gaskets shall be made of resilient or pliable materialsMetal or nonmetal composites may be incorporated asreinforcement or filler material.
3.2 Service Requirements
Selection of a material suitable for a given service appli-cation is the responsibility of the user subject to therequirements of any applicable code or government regu-lation. The material selected shall be compatible with thefluid and suitable for the pressure-temperature condi-tions of the service.
4.1 Dimensions
Gasket dimensions shall be in accordance with Tables 1through 9 (Tables l-1 through I-9 of Mandatory AppendixI) for the flanges’ standards, sizes, and classes indicatedSelection of gasket thickness is the responsibility of the

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