ASME B31.3:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B31.3:2002 pdf download PROCESS PIPING
(a) Identification. This Process Piping Code is aSection of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for Pressure Piping,ASME B31,an American National Standard. It is published as a separatedocument for convenience of Code users.(b) Responsibilities
(1) Owner. The owner of a piping installationshall have overall responsibility for compliance withthis Code,and for establishing the requirements fordesign,construction,examination,inspection,and testing which will govern the entire fluid handling orprocess installation of which the piping is a part. Theowner is also responsible for designating piping incertain fluid services and for determining if a specificQuality System is to be employed.[See paras.300(d)(4)(d)(5),(e)and Appendix Q.]
(2) Designer. The designer is responsible to theowner for assurance that the engineering design ofpiping complies with the requirements of this Codeand with any additional requirements established bythe owner.
(3) Manufacturer. Fabricator. and Erector. Themanufacturer, fabricator, and erector of piping are re-sponsible for providing materials,components,andworkmanship in compliance with the requirements ofthis Code and of the engineering design.
(4) Owner’s Inspector. The owners Inspector (seepara. 340) is responsible to the owner for ensuring thatthe requirements of this Code for inspection,examination, and testing are met. If a Quality System is specifiedby the owner to be employed,the owner’s inspectoris responsible for verifying that it is implemented.
(c) Intent of the Code
(1) It is the intent of this Code to set forthengineering requirements deemed necessary for safedesign and construction of piping installations.
(2) This Code is not intended to apply to theoperation,examination,inspection,testing,maintenance.or repair of piping that has been placed in serviceThe provisions of this Code may optionally be applied for those purposes,although other considerations mayalso be necessary.
(3) Engineering requirements of this Code, whileconsidered necessary and adequate for safe designgenerally employ a simplified approach to the subjectA designer capable of applying a more rigorous analysisshall have the latitude to do so: however,the approachmust be documented in the engineering design and itsvalidity accepted by the owner. The approach used shallprovide details of design. construction. examinationinspection,and testing for the design conditions ofpara. 301,with calculations consistent with the designcriteria of this Code.
(4) Piping elements should, insofar as practicableconform to the specifications and standards listed inthis Code. Piping elements neither specifically approvednor specifically prohibited by this Code may be usedprovided they are qualified for use as set forth inapplicable Chapters of this Code.
(5) The engineering design shall specify any un-usual requirements for a particular service. Where ser-vice requirements necessitate measures beyond thoserequired by this Code, such measures shall be specifiedby the engineering design. Where so specified, theCode requires that they be accomplished.
(6) Compatibility of materials with the service andhazards from instability of contained fluids are notwithin the scope of this Code. See para. F323.(d) Determining Code Requirements
(1) Code requirements for design and constructioninclude fluid service requirements, which affect selectionand application of materials, components,and jointsFluid service requirements include prohibitions,limitations, and conditions, such as temperature limits oa requirement for safeguarding (see para. 300.2 andAppendix G). Code requirements for a piping systemare the most restrictive of those which apply to anyof its elements.

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