ASME B89.1.6:2002 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

This Standard is intended to establish uniform practices for the measurement of master rings or ring gagesusing horizontal methods.The standard includesrequirements for geometric qualities of master rings orring gages, the important characteristics of the comparison equipment,environmental conditions, and themeans to assure that measurements are made with anacceptable level of accuracy.This Standard does notinclude measurement methodsfor rings below 1mm (0.040 in.).The measurementmethod on these very small rings should be agreed uponprior to manufacture or calibration between the manu-facturer/laboratory and customer.
bilateral tolerance: application of one half of the tabulatedtolerance plus and minus from the specified size.circularity (roundness): circularity is a condition of a surface of revolution where:
(a) for a cylinder or cone, all points of the surfaceintersected by any plane perpendicular to a commonaxis are equidistant from that axis
(b) for a sphere, all points of the surface intersectedby any plane passing through a common center areequidistant from that center
cosine error: the measurement error in the measurementdirection caused by angular misalignment between ameasuring system and the gage or part being measuredcylindricity: cylindricity is a condition of a surface ofrevolution in which all points of the surface are equidistant from a common axis.
diameter: the length of a straight line through the centerof a circular cross-section of an object. In the case of acylinder, the line is considered to be perpendicular tothe axis.
dimensional stability: ability of an object (e.g. measuringinstrument or work piece) to maintain its metrologicalcharacteristics with time.
(1) Where stability with respect to a quantity other than time isconsidered, this should be stated explicitly.(2) Stability may be quantified in several ways, for example: in terms of the time in which a metrological characteristic changesby a stated amount, or in terms of the change in a characteristicover a stated time.
discrimination (threshold): largest change in a stimulusthat produces no detectable change in the response of ameasuring instrument, the change in the stimulus takingplace slowly and monotonically.
elastic deformation: the non-permanent (reversible)change in the size or geometry of a part due to anapplied force.
gage block: a length standard with rectangular, roundor square cross section, having flat, parallel opposinggaging faces.
NOTE: The surface finish of the gaging faces should be such asto allow gages to be wrung together.
Go ring: an internal diameter gage manufactured to thepart tolerance high limit with a unilateral minus toler-ance, therefore accepting the manufactured part whenin size.
index of refraction: for a given wavelength, the ratio ofthe velocity of light in a vacuum to the velocity of lightin a refractive material.
NOTE: As used in this Standard, the material is air.
line contact: the zone of contact between a flat surfaceand a cylinder.
lobing: systematic variations in the radius around a part(measured in the cross section perpendicular to the axis)masfer ring: an internal diameter standard used to setother gaging equipment. Master rings are manufacturedto a bilateral tolerance
max. (maximum) master ring: an internal diameter standard used to set other gaging equipment. Max. masterrings are manufactured to a unilateral Minus toleranceon the part tolerance high limit.
mean master ring: An internal diameter standard usedto set other gaging equipment. Mean master rings aremanufactured to a bilateral tolerance.
measurand: measurement of a well defined physicalquantity.
Example: Diameter of a cylindrical gage at 20°C

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