ASME B16.48:1997 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B16.48:1997 pdf download STEEL LlNE~ BlANKS
1.1 General
This Standard covers pressure-temperature ratingsmaterials,dimensions, tolerances, marking, and testingfor operating line blanks in sizes NPS through NPS24 for installation between ASME B16.5 fanges inthe 150.300.600.900,500,and 2500 pressure classes.The dimensions are suitable for blanks made of materialslisted in Table 1.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Figure 8 Blank. A figure 8 blank (also calleda spectacle blank) is a pressure retaining plate withone solid end and one open end connected with a webor tie bar (see Fig. 1).
1.2.2 Paddle Blank. A paddle blank is similar tothe solid end of a figure 8 blank (with handle) and isgenerally used in conjunction with a paddle spacer inlarge sizes (see Fig. 1).
1.2.3 Paddle Spacer. A paddle spacer is similarto the open end of a figure 8 blank (with a handle)and is generally used in conjunction with a paddleblank (see Fig. 1).
1.3 References
1.3.1 Referenced Standards, Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard areshown in Annex A, which is part of this Standard. Itis not considered practical to identify the specific editionof each standard and specification in the individualreferences. Instead, the specific edition reference isidentified in Annex A
1.3.2 Codes and Standards.Steel line blanksused under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code. the ASME Code for PressurePiping, or a governmental regulation are subject to thelimitations of that code or regulation. This includesany maximum temperature limitation, or rule governingthe use of a material at low temperature, or provisionsfor operation at a pressure exceeding the pressure-temperature ratings in this Standard.
1.4 Quality Systems
Nonmandatory requirements relating to the productmanufacturer’s Quality System Program are describedin Annex B.
2.1 Pressure Classes
Line blanks covered by this Standard are for thefollowing pressure classes: 150,300,600,900,1500and 2500 as listed in ASME B16.5.
2.2 Pressure-Temperature Ratings
Pressure-temperature ratings are those listed inASME B16.5 for the material groups corresponding tothe listed materials in Table l.
2.3 Ratings
Ratings are the maximum allowable working gaugepressure at the temperature shown in Table 2 of ASMEB16.5 for the appropriate material and pressure class.For intermediate temperatures, linear interpolation between temperatures within a pressure class is permittedby ASME B16.5.
3.1 Handle
The handle or web (tie bar) may be integral orattached to the line blank or spacer. The web and itsattachment shall be capable of supporting the weightof the blank or spacer in all orientations withoutpermanent deformation to the web.
3.2 Edge Preparation
Machining,flame,plasma or saw cutting, or presspunching are acceptable methods for forming the insideand outside diameters of line blanks and spacers. Fin-ished surfaces shall be free of projections that wouldinterfere with gasket seating.

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