ASME B16.47a:1998 pdf download

12-15-2022 comment

ASME B16.47a:1998 pdf download ASME B16.47a-1998 ADDENDA to ASME 816.47-1996 LARGE DIAMETER STEEL FLANGES NPS 26 Through NPS 60
1.1 General
This Standard covers pressure-temperature ratings,materials,dimensions, tolerances, marking, and testingfor pipe fanges in sizes NPS 26 through NPS 60 andin ratings Classes 75,150,300,400,600,and 900Flanges may be cast, forged, or plate (for blind filangesonly) materialsas listed in Table 1A.Requirements and recommendations regarding boltingand gaskets are also included.
1.2 Flange Series
This Standard provides two series of flange dimen-sions. Series A specifies flange dimensions for generaluse flanges. Series B specifies flange dimensions forcompact flanges which, in general, have smaller bolfcircle diameters than Series A flanges. These two seriesof flanges are not interchangeable. The user shouldrecognize that some flanged valves, equipment boltedbetween flanges, and flanged equipment may only becompatible with bolt circle diameter of one series offanges.
1.3 References
1.3.1 Referenced Standards. Standards and specifications adopted by reference in this Standard areshown in Annex E,which is part of this Standard. Itis not considered practical to identify the specific editionof each standard and specification in the individuareferences. Instead, the specific edition reference isidentified in Annex E.A fange manufactured in accordance with earlier editions of the referenced standardsand in all other respects conforming to this Standard.will be considered to be in conformance with thisStandard
1.3.2 Codes and Requlations.A fange usedunder the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Code (ASME BPV Code), the ASME Code forPressure Piping,or a governmental regulation is subjectto any limitation of that code or regulation. This includesany maximum temperature limitation,rule governingthe use of a material at low temperature, or provisions for operation at a pressure exceeding the pressuretemperature ratings in this Standard.
1.4 Applicable Ratings
The pressure-temperature ratings in this Standard areapplicable upon its publication to all fanges within itsscope which otherwise meet its requirements, For unusedflanges maintained in inventory,the manufacturer ofthe flange may certify conformance to this Editionprovided he can demonstrate that all requirements ofthis Edition have been met, Where such componentswere installed in accordance with the pressure-temperature ratings of an earlier edition of this Standard, thoseratings are applicable, except as may be governed bythe applicable code or regulation (see para. 1.3.2)
1.5 User Accountability
This Standard cites duties and responsibilities thatare to be assumed by the user in the areas of applicationinstallation,hydrostatic testing, operation, and materialselec°蜃㎡淡知莎哺摇禧殿暨定颅嗫弛
1.6 Quality Systems
Nonmandatory requirements relating to the productmanufacturer’s Quality System Program are describedin Annex D.
2.1 Rating Basis
Ratings are maximum allowable working gage pressures, at the temperatures shown in Table 2 for theapplicable material and rating. For intermediate temperatures, linear interpolation is permitted. See Annex A fotmethods of establishing pressure-temperature ratings
2.2 Ratings of Flanged Joints
A fanged joint is composed of three separate andindependent,although interrelated, components: theflanges, the gasket and the bolting, which are assembledby yet another influence, the assembler. Proper controlsmust be exercised in the selection and application forall these elements in order to attain a joint which has

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