ASME B30.8:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

ASME B30.8:1999 pdf download Construction and Installation
Section 8-1.1 Load Ratings and Marking
8-1.1.1 Basis, The ioad raring of a fioating craneor floating derrick is dependent upon its structuralcompctence, rope strength, hoist capacity, and structuralattachmcnt to thc foating platform of the crane olderrick, and upon stability and freeboard of the floatingplatform, barge, or pontoon upon which it is mounted
8-1.1.2 Rated Loads
(a) Rated loads shall be the maximum working luadsat various radii as determincd by the manufacturer orqualifed person considering list and trim for cachinstallation.
(b) When deck loads are to be carried while liftingthe situation should be specifically analyzed for modifiedratings.
(c) When mounted on barges or pontoons, the ratedloads and radii of land cranes and derricks shall hemnudified as recommmended by the manufacturer or qualified person.
8-1.1.3 Rated Load Marking. A durable ratingchart with legible letters and figures shall be providedwith each crane or derrick and fxed a a locationvisible to the operator while seated at his control stationThcsc data shall also be available at the job site officeThe data and information to bc provided shall includebut not necessarily be limited to, the following:(a) a full and complete range of crane or dcrrickload ratings at all stated operating radii and boomangles, and for all permissible boom lengths, jib lengthsand angles:
(b) the list and trim conditions on which the loadrating chart is based:
(c) recommended parts of hoist reeving, size, andtype uf rupe fur various ioads should be shown eitheron the rating chart or in the operating manual; and(d) csscntial prccautiunary ur warning nutes relativeto limitations on cquipment, operating procedures, andstability factors such as deck loads, list, trim,weatherconditions,and paras.8-1.2.2(b)(2)(b) through (e)should be shown either on the rating chart or in theoperating manual.
Section 8-1.2 Construction and LoadingConditions
8-1.2.1 Structural Competence(a) Floating cranes and foating derricks shall beconstructed to meet all stresses impased on membersand components under normal operating conditionswhen installed and handling loads not exceeding manu-facturer’s ioad ratings with recommended reeving, andin accordance with other cunditions specified herein.(b) Barges or pontoons shall be constructed to with-stand imposed loads.
(c) Welding shall confor to recomnmented practicesof the Amcrican Wclding Society as outlined in ANSI/AWS D1.1 or ANSVAWS D14.3 as applicable.

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