ASME B89.7.2:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

1.1 Objective
The objective of this Standard is to ensure correctnessand acceptability of dimensional measurements.
1.2 Requirements
This Standard specifes requirements for preparationand approval of dimensional measurement plans andfor the use of approved plans in making dimensionalmeasurements.
1.3 Applicability
This Standard considers that a dimensional measurement method is acceptable if its associated measurementuncertainty per the reference in Section 3 (ANSI/NCSIStandard for Expressing Uncertainty) meets businessneeds, e.g., cost of measurements, consequences of passand fail errors, liability, specific policies, and customelrequirements. In assessing the acceptability of an uncertainty, management should take into account the importance and difficulty of accurately quantifying uncer.tainty.
1.4 Purpose
This Standard is intended for use by process andquality control engineers (dimensional measurementplanners) in planning manufacturing-related dimensionameasurements.
accept-reject measurement: a measurement made forthe purpose of accepting or rejecting a workpiece orworkpiece feature.
attributes gage: a gage which verifies conformanceof a workpiece feature to its specification withoutyielding a measured value.
conforming: having a measured value lying within oron the boundary of the allowable tolerance band.
dimensional measurement:measurement of a geomet-ric characteristic of a workpiece.
dimensional measurement plan: a plan detailing equipment and procedure for measuring one or more geometric characteristics of a workpiece or for measuring aprocess characteristic.
dimensional measurement planner (DMP: a personwho prepares a dimensional measurement plan.
fail error: rejection, as a result of measurement error,of a geometric or process characteristic whose truevalue is within specified tolerances (also known as atype I error).
failure mode and effects analysis: for a system, thesteps of listing failure modes and determining effectsof failure on the system in each mode.
feature: the general term applied to a physical portionof a workpiece, such as a surface, hole, or slot (Y14.5).
gage: a real or simulated device used to associate avalue or range of values with a workpiece or feature,or to verify conformance of a workpiece or featurecharacteristic to its specification. A gage may haveeither fixed or variable limits.
gaging limits: specified limits of a measured valuc
geometric characteristic: a dimensional description ofa feature.
lot sampling plan. a plan for choosing limited repre-sentative samples of workpieces from a lot.
manufacturing plan: a plan detailing organizationequipment, personnel, and procedures for manufacturinga workpiece.
measured value: a value obtained by measurement
non-conforming: having a measured value lying out-side the boundary of the allowable tolerance band.

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