ASME PTC 1:1999 pdf download

12-14-2022 comment

ASME PTC 1:1999 pdf download General Instructions Performance Test Codes
ASME Performance Test Codes (PTCs) provide uniform rules and procedures for the planning, preparationexecution, and reporting of performance test results.Test results provide numerical characteristics to the performance of equipment, systems,and plants beingtested. Throughout ASME PTC 1, when the term equipment is used with reference to the object of a performance test, it can refer to specific equipment, systems, orto entire plants.
Most ASME PTCs are applicable to a specified typeof equipment defined by the respective code. There maybe several subcategories of equipment covered by a single code. Types of equipment for which PTCs apply canbe classified into five broad categories as follows:
(a) electrical or mechanical power producing
(b) combustion and heat transfer
(c) fluid handling
(d) emission control
(e) other equipmentThe quantities that characterize performance aredefined in each code for the equipment within its scopeAbsolute performance characteristics determined byadherence to a PTC can be evaluated compared to desigror predicted characteristics, to previous test results, othey can be used to benchmark or ascertain performanceat a particular time.
Some PICs are written as general documents for reference in support of the equipment PTCs. These can beconsidered technical reference material for the equipment codes; three types of reference codes exist.The first type covers instrumentation used in the measurement of thermodynamic or process fluid parameters, such as pressure, temperature, flow, and steamquality, as well as how to analyze the uncertainties associated with measurement of all primary parameters todevelop overall test uncertainty. Such individual codesreferring to process or thermodynamic quantities are known as PTC Instruments and Apparatus Supplements. They are supplementary to the information onmandatory instrumentation requirements contained inthe equipment codes. Instrumentation information inequipment test codes supersedes the information givenin these supplements, but otherwise these supplementsshould be incorporated by reference in equipment testcodes where deemed appropriate by the committee.The second type covers miscellaneous general infor-mation and currently consists of ASME PTC 1, GeneralInstructions and ASME PTC 2 Definitions and ValuesASME PTC 2 contains standards for terms, units, valuesof constants,and technical nomenclature.
The third type addresses the measurement of phenom-ena closely associated with the equipment performance,such as emissions.
Figures 1-2-1 and 1-2-2 show the organization ofASME PTC categories.
The codes provide guidelines for test procedures thatvield results of the highest level of accuracy based oncurrent engineering knowledge, taking into account testcosts and the value of information obtained from testingPrecision and reliability of test results must underlie allconsiderations in the development of an ASME PTCconsistent with economic considerations as judeedappropriate by each technical committee and in keepingwith the philosophy of the ASME Board on PerformanceTest Codes (BPTC)
Code tests are suitable for use whenever performancemust be determined with minimum uncertainty. Theyare meant specifically for equipment operating in anindustrial setting. Typical uses include the following:
(a) determination if equipment meets design orexpected performance criteria
(b) incorporation by reference into contracts to serveas a means to determine fulfillment of guarantees

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