If adopted for governmental usc, the references to othernational codes and standards in the specific volumes maybe changed to rcfer to the corresponding regulations ofthc govcmnmcntal authoritics.
The use of cableways, crancs, dcrricks, hoists, hooks,jacks, and slings is subject to certain hazards that cannotbe met by mechanical means but only by the cxercisc ofintelligence, care, and common sense. It is therefore es-sential to have personnel involved in the use and opera-tion of equipment who are competent, careful, physicallyand mentally qualified, and trained in the safe operationof the equipment and the handling of the loads. Serioushazards are overloading, dropping or slipping of the loadcaused by improper hitching or slinging, obstructing thefree passage of the load, and using equipment for a pur-pose for which it was not intended or designed.The Standards Committee fully realizes the importanceof proper design factors, minimum or maximum sizes,and other limiting dimensions of wire rope or chain andtheir fastenings, sheaves, sprockets, drums, and similarequipment covered by the Standard, all of which areclosely connected with safety. Sizes, strengths, and sim-ilar criteria are dependent on many different factors, often varying with thc installation and uses. These factorsalso depend on the condition of the equipment or material; on the loads; on the acceleration or spced of theropes, chains, sheaves, sprockets, or drums; on the typeof attachmcnts; on thc number, sizc,and arrangemcnt oishcaycs or othcr parts; on cnvironmcntal conditions causing corrosion or wcar; and on many variable factors thatmust bc considercd in cach individual casc. Thc rulcsgiven in the Standard must be interprcted accordinglyand judgcment used in determining thcir application.Some of the provisions of this Standard roquirc compliance with information found in manuals or other documentsupplied by the manufacturer with the equipment. The information includes recommendations,requirements, and instructions (eg.“the reeving shall be checked for compliance with the recommendations of the manufacturer”).
Compliance with the provisions should not preclude thepossibility of consulting a qualified person. This is true particularly when: the equipment has been altered, repaired, ormodified; the manuals or documents supplied by the manufacturer are no longer available; or the manufacturer or a successor is no longer in business and the manuals are no longeravailable.However, the purpose ofconsulting a qualified person shall not be to avoid contacting the manufacturer and using the information supplied by the manufacturer.
The Standards Committee will be glad to receive crit-icisms of this Standard’s requirements and suggestionsfor its improvement, especially those based on actual ex-perience in application of the rules.
Suggestions for changes to the Standard should he suhmitted to the Secretary of the B30 Committee. ASMEThree Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990andshould he in accordance with the following format:
(a) cite the specific paragraph designation of the per.tinent yolume:
(b) indicate the suggested change (addition, deletion.revision.etc.);
(c) briefly state the reason and or evidence for the sug-gested change:
(d) submit suggested changes to more than one paragraphin the order that the paragraphs appear in the volume.
The B30 Committee wili consider each suggested changein a timely manner in accordance with its procedures.
ASME B30.11:1998 pdf download
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