ASME B40.100:1998 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

ASME B40.100:1998 pdf download ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B40 Specifications for Pressure and Vacuum Gauges
lhis addendum describes requirements for Navalhardened pressure gauges for use in the demandingenvironment of marine appiications. Many of the basicrequirements of ASME B40. appiy,however somemodified and/or additiunal requiremnents, which includewithstanding shock and salt-water spray, are included
C2.1 Gauge Sizes
Naval hardened gauges are iimited to these fivenomminai sizes: 2 in., 2% in., 3 in..4 in.. and 8y2 in.
C2.2 Ranges
The following gauge types are shown with theirranges and respective range designators.
C2.2.1 Positive Pressure. Table CI shows theranges and range designators for general purpose positive pressure gauges.
C2.2.2 Negative Pressure. Table C2 shows theranges and range designators for negative (vacuum)pressure gauges.
C2.2.3 Compound Pressure. Table C3 showsthe ranges and range designators for general purposecompound pressure gauges
C2.2.4 Refrigerant Pressure. Table C4 shows theranges and range designafors for refrigerant pressuiregauges.
C2.2.4.1 Gauge Scale. A scparatc tempcraturcdegrees Fahrenheit ((F) equivalent scale in red printing,in addition to the pressure scale in lb/in.2, shal! beincluded. The type refrigerant used with the pressuregauge shall be marked on the dial (see para. (C2.3.3.2)
C2.2.5 Suppressed. Table C5 shows the rangeand range designator for suppressed pressure gauges.
C2.2.6 Retard. Table C6 shows the ranges andrange designators for retard pressure gauges.
C2,2.7 Caisson Pressure. Caisson gauges arc in-tended for use in submarine escape trunks and dccom-pression chambers. They shall have a dual scale withthe inner scale graduafed in meters or feet of seawaterand the outer scale in lb/in2. The gauge case shall beopen to the ambient pressure through a vent in the bottom of the case. lhe vent shall be threaded toaccept a ‘ in. NPT male ftting. Table C7 shows theranges and range designators for caisson pressureguuges. Fcet shail indicate feet (depth) of seawater.Onc foot of seuwuter shall equal 0.4453 psi.
C2.3 Construction
C2,3.1 Case
C2.3.1.1 Design. Pressure gauge cases shall hesafety solid front. However, a nonsolid front is permittedfor gauges with elastic element style D (helical andhelical-spirai Bourdon tube). Cases for hardened gaugesmust withstand the demands of a saltwater environmentand meet shock requirements. Cast iron, mild steel orplastic (with the exception of the window) shall notbe used. When used, aluminum per ASTM B 26, B85, and B 709 shal! be protected against corrosion.Case finish shall then include air dry primer and agray enamel finish coat in accordance with FED-STD-595,color 26307. Corrosion resisting steel (CRES)shall be per ASTIM A 167 Series 300 and ASTM A 473Scrics 300 when uscd, Cases shall be interchangeable for

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