ASME B107.4M:1995 pdf download

12-13-2022 comment

ASME B107.4M:1995 pdf download Driving and Spind!e Ends for Portable Hand, impact, Air, and Electric 1「ools (Percussion Tools Excluded)
This Standard applies to portable power tools for drill-inggrinding,polishing. sawing, and driving threadedfasterers and hand tools for driving threaded fasfenersOther tools not classed as percussion tools belong inthis category and may be added by revision or additionthrough the usual procedure.
This Standard includes dimensions and tolerances forbutii driving and driven elements where such coordinationis imnpurtant and not established by reference to the pertinent American National Standards. All dimensions arein inches and millimeters.
tool – as used in this Standard, a portable device forperforming a mechanical opcration with power from cIllpressed air or electricity and hand operatedpercussion ioois – hammers, chiseis, scalers, tampersclay diggers,and rock drills. Percussion tools are ex-cluded fromn this Standard.
rounding values – When the next digit beyond the lastdigit to he refained is:
(a) less than 5, the last digit to be retained is notchanged:
(b) 5 or more, the last digit to be retained is incrcascdby one.
Current American National Standards referred toherein include:
ANSI B7.1-1988,Safety Requirements for thc UscCare,and Protection of Abrasive Wheels
ANSI B92.1-1970(R1982)(R1993),Involutc Splinesand Inspection,Inch Version
ASME Bl.1-1989,Unified Inch Screw Threads (UNand UNR Thread Form)
IS()1174-1975/A1-1981(E),Assembly Tools for oltsand Screws — Driving Squares for Power SockctWrenches and Hand Socket Wrenches
Italicized and in bold type indicate ISO compatibilityExample:(38.214)
Thc illustrations shown herein are descriptive and notrestrictive, and are not intended to preciude the manufac-ture of product or gages which are otherwise in accordance with this Standard.
Manufacturcrs may use gages with tighter dimensionsor tolerances than shown herein to ensure product acceptance.
Tolerances on gage dimensions within this Standardrepresent new,as gage ianufactured or purchased gagesizes. The extreme size for ali limit (GO and NO GOgages shall not exceed the extreme limits of productsspccified within this Sianard. Aii variations ( tolerance,calibration error,wear allowance,etc.) inthe gages, whatever their cause or purpose, shall bringthese gagcs withlin the extreme limits of this gage sizespecified within this Standard. Thus a gage which represents a minimnum lmit may be larger, bit never sma!lerthan tiie mninimum size specified for the product standardlikewise,the gage which represents a maximum limitmay be smnaller,but never larger, than the maximum sizespecified for the product standard.

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