4.1 lllustrations
The iliustrations herein are descriptive and not restric-tive,and are not intended to preclude the manufactureof sockets that are otherwise in accordance with thisStandard.
4.2 Materiais
The materials used in the manufacture of the socketsshall be such as to produce tools conforming to require-ments specificd in this Standard.
4.3 Marking
Sockets shall be marked in a plain and permanentmmanner with the manufacturer’s name or with a frade-mark of such known character that the source ofmanufacture and cuuntry of origin may be readilydetermined.In addition, sockets shall be marked in aplain and pcrmanent manner with the roininal size ofthe wrench opening (distance across flats).
4.4 Hardness
Sockcts shall be heat trcated to a hardness of 38 toS4 HRC.
4.5 Test Loads
When tested as specified, tools shall withstand thetest loads spccified in the applicable tables withoutfailure or pcrmancnt deformation (set), which mightaffect the durability or scrviceability of the tools.
4.6 Finish
4.6.1 Surface Roughness. Al! extera! surfacesshall be free from pits, nodules, forge flash, burrs,cracks, and other detrimental defects. The external forgeflash shall be removed to biend smoothly with adiacentsurfaces. Maximum surface roughness values shall bedetermined by microinch (micrometer) values. Determination of microinch (micrometer) values shall he fakenon a representative surface. Areas that are ground and buffed, or otherwise finished by an equivalent method,shall havc a coating as specified in para. 4.6.2.l, andhave a uniform bright fnish with a maximum surfaceroughncss in microinches (micromctcr) using a 0.030in. (0.76 mm) roughncss width cut-off on the surface-measuring instrument as stated herein.All surface roughness values shall be rated as thearithmetical average. At least 50% of the outer longitudi-na! surface or major diameter sha!! be bright with 30pin. (0.76 um) maximum. Except for the external hexdrive, knurled or grooved areas, the remaining exteriorlongitudinal socket surface shal! be 150 pin. (3.8! um)maximum. Oxide- or phosphate-coated sockets shallhave a maximum surface roughness of 150 pin. (3.8lum). Definitions and nomenclature used herein can befound in ASME B46.1.
4.6.2 Coatings. The coatings shall be adherent,smooth, continuous, and free from uncoated areas, pits,blisters, nodules, and any other defects that wouldintcrfcrc with thcir protcctivc valuc and scrviccability.The sockets and assembly components, excluding re-taining devices, shall be coated with one (or a combination) of the coatings in accordance with paras., or the manufacturer’s standard coating. Theconsumer may specify the type of coating required. P!ating (Electro-Deposited). The coat-ing shall be a protective decorative nickel-chromiumplating. The minimum thickness shall be 0.0002 in(0.0051 mm) for nickel or nickel-iron, and 0.000005in. (0.00013 mm) for chromium.
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