AS 1742.9:2018 pdf download.Manual of uniform traffic control devices Part 9: Bicycle facilities.
The BICYCLES EXCEPTED sign shall be used in conjunction with another regulatory sign where the regulatory requirement does not apply to bicycles, e.g. in conjunction with NO ENTRY, No Right (Left) Turn, NO THROUGH ROAD signs. Each potential use of this supplementary plate should be examined to ensure that bicycles will not be exposed to hazards, e.g. from unexpected conflict with motor vehicles.
This sign shall be used to warn motorists of the presence of bicycles on the road where cyclists are likely to come into conflict with motor traffic and are potentially at risk. The supplementary plates in Item (k) may be used with the sign where appropriate. Where bicycle traffic may come into conflict with motor traffic at isolated locations, the sign specified in Item (1) shall be used in lieu of W6-7.
The WATCH FOR Bicycles sign shall be used at locations where it is necessary to advise motorists that bicycle traffic may come into conflict with motor traffic at a specific point due to a particular road feature or hazard. Such locations include the following:
(i) At the narrowing of a road or shoulder normally used by significant numbers of cyclists. e.g. at a bridge.
(ii) At intersection treatments where bicycle traffic may be squeezed for space. e.g. at chicanes.
(iii) Where traffic entering from a side Street has to cross a bicycle lane.
(iv) On the approaches to multi-lane or large single lane roundabouts.
(v) On left turn slip lanes where left turning traffic is provided with a merge taper or auxiliary lane.
Where traffic turning into a side Street has to cross a path, the WATCH FOR Bicycles (G9-57) sign may be installed on both approaches to the intersection on the continuing road.
This sign may be used to advise cyclists to dismount before reaching a particular place at or beyond which it would he hazardous to continue riding. A second sign indicating the reason for the warning should. where appropriate, be mounted below this sign.
The following pavement markings as illustrated in Figure 2.1(1) shall be used for bicycle lanes and facilities on roads:
(a) Bicycle lane line The bicycle lane line shall be placed between the bicycle lane and lanes of moving traffic and where appropriate, parked vehicles. It shall be a white continuous line.
(b) Continuity line A continuity line shall replace the bicycle lane line—
(i) where motor traffic needs to enter or cross a bicycle lane when making a turn at an intersection or major driveway; and
(ii) to show the continuity of a bicycle lane where it continues through an tinsignalized intersection.
(c) Bicycle stop line A white stop line the same width as the stop line provided for other traffic shall be provided in a bicycle lane at the point where bicycles need to stop at traffic signals. The bicycle stop line may be provided a minimum of 2.0 in in advance of the vehicular stop line to give bicycles a small head start at the onset of the green period, provided the line is clear of cross traffic and any marked pedestrian crossing.
(d) Bicycle storage area A safe storage area for bicycles at the head of a traffic queue at a signalized intersection. The bicycle symbol shall he marked in the bicycle storage box.
(e) Hook turn storage box A safe storage area for bicycles to indicate an alternative option for cyclists to turn right at signalized intersections. This facility is particularly suitable where cyclists would need to cross multiple lanes to turn right. A smaller bicycle symbol and pavement arrow shown in Figure 2.1(1) shall be used to indicate to cyclists where to stop and wait for the hook turn.AS 1742.9 pdf download.
AS 1742.9:2018 Manual of uniform traffic control devices Part 9: Bicycle facilities
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